2016: Law Degree, University of Bari
2019: Admission to the Bar of Bari
Polis Avvocati provide in-court and out-of-court advice and assistance in all fields of civil law.
For example, our professionals deal with contractual and non-contractual liability - with particular reference to professional, medical and healthcare liability - banking law and financial intermediaries, succession and donations, property and enforcement procedures.
Polis Avvocati deal with all aspects of corporate law with highly qualified assistance in commercial law disputes.
Our law firm offers ongoing consultancy services in the field of commercial contracts and company secretarial services, to support companies perform any transaction, both national and international, through the drafting and negotiation of the relevant agreements. We assist companies in extra-ordinary transactions, such as mergers, demergers, acquisitions of shares or companies, as well as in cases of group corporate reorganisation.
Our corporate consulting services also include matters relating to industrial and intellectual property law, including assistance in filing patent applications.
In addition, our team boasts over 30 years of experience in insolvency and liquidation proceedings.
The global and interconnected environment within which companies are asked to operate is constantly evolving. As a result, national and international regulatory frameworks are becoming increasingly complex. In order to provide companies with tangible support with regard to their need to comply with cross-sector regulations and to adopt procedures to prevent and avoid risky or potentially unlawful conduct, Polis Avvocati have set up a Multidisciplinary Team to provide corporate compliance consulting services.
In particular, our Multidisciplinary Team deals with issues of compliance with reference to the internal governance of the company and compliance with relevant external laws, regulations, and guidelines. This includes corporate governance and corporate administrative liability (Legislative Decree no. 231/01), the European Privacy Regulation (GDPR), anti-corruption and anti-money laundering issues, national, international and European bankruptcy restrictions orders (BROs), as well as the new requirements arising from regulatory developments in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility and, more generally, in matters of sustainability.
In addition to offering ongoing legal advice, the members of our Multidisciplinary Team also provide training for both managers and employees and advice and assistance in disputes and litigation
Law Degree from the University of Bari, presenting a thesis on civil law entitled 'Image Rights in Sports Sponsorship Agreements'.
After a period of qualifying legal work experience at Studio Legale "La Battaglia', he qualified as a lawyer in 2019.
In December 2018, he earned a Master's Degree in Sport Marketing & Management, organised by the Department of “Management and Law” of the University of Rome 'Tor Vergata'.
From September 2017 to May 2019, he carried out, with excellent results, his traineeship ex art. 73 D.L. 69/2013, L. 98/2013 at the Court of Bari (sez. Gip/Gup - Corte d’Assise – Sezione Specializzata in materia di Immigrazione- Immigration Section).
In July 2021, he earned a Master's Degree in "Corporate Crisis and Insolvency Law" organised by the Department of the University of Bari "Aldo Moro" with a dissertation entitled "Le nuove procedure di composizione della crisi da sovraindebitamento” (The new procedures for the settlement of over-indebtedness crises).
In September 2021 he was designated Cultore della materia (subject matter expert), and tasked with teaching "Elements of International and European Sports Law" at the Department of Sport Sciences of the University of Bari "Aldo Moro".
In October 2021 he was awarded a Dottorato Degree (Ph.D.) in "Mediterranean Rights, Economies and Cultures", within the Comparative Private Law Curriculum of the University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Taranto Campus.
He works in civil litigation, particularly un matters relating to civil liability (and specifically, healthcare liability) and contracts - mainly matters linked to the economic aspects of the sports sector, as well as to insolvency procedures.
«Consapevole della dignità della professione forense e della sua funzione sociale, mi impegno ad osservare con lealtà, onore e diligenza i doveri della professione di avvocato per i fini della giustizia ed a tutela dell’assistito nelle forme e secondo i principi del nostro ordinamento»