Our law firm provides assistance to natural persons, companies, public and private bodies, not only in terms of legal advice delivered by our experts in the field of criminal law, but also by providing our clients with general legal advice that, thanks to the multidisciplinary nature of our team, can also play a role crime prevention.
For example, our Criminal Law Team boasts specialised skills in all areas of criminal law which is the highest-growth legal practice area. This includes industry and commerce, business, insolvency proceedings (bankruptcy penalties), tax, banking and finance, public administration, urban planning and the environment, the operation, provision, and delivery of health care services, press and internet offences, intentional and unintentional crimes of danger, cybercrimes and crimes against property and persons (murder, personal injury, stalking and harassment).
Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 attributes to legal persons a special form of strict liability regarding certain kinds of offences, giving rise to the possibility that organizations previously exempted from liability for offences committed by executives and/or employees- might be sanctioned operationally and financially.
In the framework of this complex discipline, in which rules of criminal, administrative and civil law are to be complied with, our law firm offers comprehensive assistance to companies representing them in court, and playing a role in any crime-prevention activity.
In particular, Polis Avvocati's lawyers draft the Organisational and Management Model pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, and handle any preliminary phase thereof (e.g. the analysis of risks in relation to alleged offences and corporate needs, the mapping of corporate areas potentially at risk, the sharing of the gap analysis and the identification of inconsistencies, and the sharing of possible improvements with the management), and provide training programs for company directors and employees, aimed at achieving proper understanding and application of the Model in question.
The global and interconnected environment within which companies are asked to operate is constantly evolving. As a result, national and international regulatory frameworks are becoming increasingly complex. In order to provide companies with tangible support with regard to their need to comply with cross-sector regulations and to adopt procedures to prevent and avoid risky or potentially unlawful conduct, Polis Avvocati have set up a Multidisciplinary Team to provide corporate compliance consulting services.
In particular, our Multidisciplinary Team deals with issues of compliance with reference to the internal governance of the company and compliance with relevant external laws, regulations, and guidelines. This includes corporate governance and corporate administrative liability (Legislative Decree no. 231/01), the European Privacy Regulation (GDPR), anti-corruption and anti-money laundering issues, national, international and European bankruptcy restrictions orders (BROs), as well as the new requirements arising from regulatory developments in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility and, more generally, in matters of sustainability.
In addition to offering ongoing legal advice, the members of our Multidisciplinary Team also provide training for both managers and employees and advice and assistance in disputes and litigation
Law Degree with honours from the University of Bari in 2005, presenting a thesis on international law on the war against Iraq.
In 2007 she earned her Postgraduate Degree at the Postgraduate School for the Legal Professions of the University of Bari "Aldo Moro", defending a dissertation on civil procedure.
After a period of qualifying legal work experience at Studio Legale Associato Di Cagno & Milani, she qualified as a lawyer and has been a member of the Bari Bar Association since 2008.
She is an expert in criminal legal advice, particularly in the field of crimes against public administration and in the field of corporate administrative liability (Legislative Decree 231/2001), as well as in corporate, bankruptcy and environmental crimes.
«Consapevole della dignità della professione forense e della sua funzione sociale, mi impegno ad osservare con lealtà, onore e diligenza i doveri della professione di avvocato per i fini della giustizia ed a tutela dell’assistito nelle forme e secondo i principi del nostro ordinamento»