Polis Avvocati deal with all aspects of corporate law with highly qualified assistance in commercial law disputes.
Our law firm offers ongoing consultancy services in the field of commercial contracts and company secretarial services, to support companies perform any transaction, both national and international, through the drafting and negotiation of the relevant agreements. We assist companies in extra-ordinary transactions, such as mergers, demergers, acquisitions of shares or companies, as well as in cases of group corporate reorganisation.
Our corporate consulting services also include matters relating to industrial and intellectual property law, including assistance in filing patent applications.
In addition, our team boasts over 30 years of experience in insolvency and liquidation proceedings.
The global and interconnected environment within which companies are asked to operate is constantly evolving. As a result, national and international regulatory frameworks are becoming increasingly complex. In order to provide companies with tangible support with regard to their need to comply with cross-sector regulations and to adopt procedures to prevent and avoid risky or potentially unlawful conduct, Polis Avvocati have set up a Multidisciplinary Team to provide corporate compliance consulting services.
In particular, our Multidisciplinary Team deals with issues of compliance with reference to the internal governance of the company and compliance with relevant external laws, regulations, and guidelines. This includes corporate governance and corporate administrative liability (Legislative Decree no. 231/01), the European Privacy Regulation (GDPR), anti-corruption and anti-money laundering issues, national, international and European bankruptcy restrictions orders (BROs), as well as the new requirements arising from regulatory developments in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility and, more generally, in matters of sustainability.
In addition to offering ongoing legal advice, the members of our Multidisciplinary Team also provide training for both managers and employees and advice and assistance in disputes and litigation
Polis Avvocati provide in-court and out-of-court advice and assistance in all fields of civil law.
For example, our professionals deal with contractual and non-contractual liability - with particular reference to professional, medical and healthcare liability - banking law and financial intermediaries, succession and donations, property and enforcement procedures.
Law Degree, with honours and academic commendation, from the University of Bari in 2017, presenting a thesis on international law entitled “Caratteristiche ed enforcement delle sentenze nell'arbitrato commerciale internazionale” ('Features and enforcement of judgments in international commercial arbitration).
In the month of October of the same year, he was admitted to the PhD in 'Legal Principles and Institutions between Global Markets and Fundamental Rights' within the International and European Union Law curriculum, at the University of Bari 'Aldo Moro'. In 2021, he was awarded the relevant PhD degree, defending a dissertation entitled 'Theory and Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility in International and European Union Law', for which he received a very positive assessment.
Currently, after winning a competition with a research program entitled 'The Green Transition between Corporate Social Responsibility and Quality Management System Certification in the European Union Legal Framework', he holds the position of Ricercatore (the main starting position for a career in Italian academia) in European Union Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bari.
After a short experience at the Technical Secretariat of the Banking and Financial Ombudsman of the Bank of Italy, he started his training and professional career at this law firm. He qualified as a lawyer and has been a member of the Bari Bar Association since 2019.
He has spent off-site research periods at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg and at the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law in Vienna. He has attended postgraduate courses at leading Italian universities, including the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa, as well as at renowned international institutes, including The Hague Academy of International Law.
He carries out research work in the fields of European Union Law, Private International Law and Corporate Social Responsibility; he has authored a number of scientific articles on the same subjects.
He provides legal advice and assistance in matters of corporate law, particularly on matters relating to national and international contracts and integrated compliance.
F. Ceci, Attività di prospezione, ricerca e coltivazione di idrocarburi e tutela dell’ambiente nella prospettiva della Corte di Giustizia, in Rivista Giuridica dell’Ambiente, 2/2022, p. 529 ss., ISSN 0394-2287.
F. Ceci, La libera circolazione e le sfide post Brexit, in V. Di Comite - R. A. Pucciarelli (a cura di), Storie a colori di un’Europa dei diritti, Dedalo, Bari, 2022, p. 57 ss.
F. Ceci, Brexit e diritto internazionale privato, in SudinEuropa, 2022, p. 15 ss., ISSN 1825-6112.
F. Ceci, Teoria e prassi della Responsabilità Sociale d’Impresa nel diritto internazionale e dell’Unione europea, Tesi di Dottorato, 2021, p. 1-201.
F. Ceci, Il bilanciamento tra libertà di espressione degli avvocati e tutela dell’autorità del potere giudiziario: un inquadramento sistematico degli interessi nella prospettiva della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo, in Media Laws. Rivista di diritto dei media, 2/2020, p. 323 ss., ISSN 2532-9146.
F. Ceci, L’obbligo di divulgazione di informazioni di carattere non finanziario quale strumento di Corporate Social Responsibility nel quadro dell’Unione europea, in M. Castellaneta - F. Vessia (a cura di), La responsabilità sociale di impresa tra diritto societario e diritto internazionale, Cacucci, Bari, 2019, p. 339 ss., ISBN 978-88-495-4105-2.
F. Ceci, Libertà di espressione degli avvocati e tutela dell’autorità del potere giudiziario: la Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo procede al bilanciamento dei differenti interessi, in Media Laws. Rivista di diritto dei media, 3/2018, p. 394 ss., ISSN 2532-9146.
F. Ceci, Il controverso rapporto fra ordinamenti statali ed arbitrato commerciale internazionale: la fase di enforcement dei lodi stranieri, in Quaderni della legalità: comprendere il presente, orientare il futuro, Cacucci, Bari, 2017, p. 65 ss., ISBN 978-88-6611-630-1.
«Consapevole della dignità della professione forense e della sua funzione sociale, mi impegno ad osservare con lealtà, onore e diligenza i doveri della professione di avvocato per i fini della giustizia ed a tutela dell’assistito nelle forme e secondo i principi del nostro ordinamento»