Our Professionals / Collaborator / Mirco Semeraro


2013: Law Degree, University of Bari

2018: Admission to the Bar of Bari

Mirco Semeraro


  • mirco.semeraro@polisavvocati.com
  • mirco.semeraro@pec.polisavvocati.com

Practice Areas

Polis Avvocati provide advice and assistance in all areas of administrative law and assist individuals, businesses and public administrations in proceedings before the Administrative Judicial Authority (TAR-Regional Administrative Court, Council of State and Court of Auditors), as well as in proceedings that fall within the jurisdiction of independent administrative authorities.

The Professionals who make up our team have gained expertise in the fields of public procurement, construction, urban planning, renewable energy, health, commerce, telecommunications and financial responsibility law.

The global and interconnected environment within which companies are asked to operate is constantly evolving. As a result, national and international regulatory frameworks are becoming increasingly complex. In order to provide companies with tangible support with regard to their need to comply with cross-sector regulations and to adopt procedures to prevent and avoid risky or potentially unlawful conduct, Polis Avvocati have set up a Multidisciplinary Team to provide corporate compliance consulting services.

In particular, our Multidisciplinary Team deals with issues of compliance with reference to the internal governance of the company and compliance with relevant external laws, regulations, and guidelines. This includes corporate governance and corporate administrative liability (Legislative Decree no. 231/01), the European Privacy Regulation (GDPR), anti-corruption and anti-money laundering issues, national, international and European bankruptcy restrictions orders (BROs), as well as the new requirements arising from regulatory developments in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility and, more generally, in matters of sustainability.

In addition to offering ongoing legal advice, the members of our Multidisciplinary Team also provide training for both managers and employees and advice and assistance in disputes and litigation

Over the years Polis Avvocati have gained considerable expertise in matters relating to environmental law including concession agreements and environmental permits, as well as litigation and negotiation on environmental and energy matters.

Polis Avvocati also operate in the field of renewable energy, providing advice and assistance to all the stakeholders involved in the development, implementation and management of renewable energy plants (public bodies and local governments, development and venture capital companies, consultants, professionals, etc.).

The agri-food sector has long represented one of the key fields of activity for the lawyers at Polis Avvocati who provide leading national and international food processors with assistance in trading, negotiation and settlement, as well as representation in in-court and out-of-court dispute resolution, product conformity, safety, healthiness and labelling of foodstuffs, organic produce production and supply chain, PGI and PDO, food processor liability, and also in matters concerning subsidies made available under the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

Education and Work Experience

Law Degree from the University of Bari in 2013, presenting a thesis on criminal law entitled "Utility Liability and Environmental Crimes: the Organisational Model of Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A.".

He began his qualifying legal work experience at the Puglia Region's Attorney General's Office, where, as a member of the staff, he was tasked with drafting the Puglia Region Anti-Corruption Plan.

He continued his training at an important law firm in Bari gaining expertise in administrative law. In 2018 he qualified as a lawyer.

He provides legal advice and assistance in administrative litigation, particularly in matters of environmental and energy law, and also in integrated compliance and food law.

He has lectured and still lectures on anti-corruption, transparency and performance matters for several public bodies.


«Consapevole della dignità della professione forense e della sua funzione sociale, mi impegno ad osservare con lealtà, onore e diligenza i doveri della professione di avvocato per i fini della giustizia ed a tutela dell’assistito nelle forme e secondo i principi del nostro ordinamento»