Our Professionals / Collaborator / Valeria Nocera


2012: Law Degree, University of Bari

2017: Admission to the Bar of Bari

Valeria Nocera


  • valeria.nocera@polisavvocati.com
  • valeria.nocera@pec.polisavvocati.com

Practice Areas

Polis Avvocati provide advice and assistance in matters regulated by public and private labour law, as well as in industrial relations and social security matters, and offers targeted advice to private employers, employees and public bodies.

In a constantly evolving regulatory context, our Labour and Employment Law Team, with their more than thirty years of experience and targeted expertise, offer effective and qualified assistance to companies in the management of all aspects of the relationship between employer and employees, from commencement to termination, providing ongoing consulting services and qualified assistance in the management of trade and labour inspection disputes.

Our lawyers also provide consulting services to workers, both in the public and private sector, and assist them in labour and social security disputes.

Our law firm specialises in agency contracts and in matters related to the management of commercial agents and similar professional profiles, dealing with the legal, tax and social security aspects of these agents, both in and out of court.

Our Labour and Employment Law Team provides assistance to public bodies in administrative disputes and in disputes before ordinary courts, advising on all matters pertaining to the management of human resources (including disciplinary proceedings, appointments, indemnities, public competitions, and proceedings for access to administrative documents).

Education and Work Experience 

Law Degree from University of Bari in 2012, presenting a civil procedure thesis entitled "Traslatio iudicii" (Prof. Giuseppe Trisorio Liuzzi).

She began her period of qualifying legal work experience at this law firm, qualified to practice law and has been a member of the Bar of Bari since 2017.

In 2015-2016, she participated in the Master’s Degree entitled "Labour Law, Industrial Relations and Welfare" at the 24Ore Business School.

She is a labour and employment lawyer and works mainly in the private sector in the field of social security law.


«Consapevole della dignità della professione forense e della sua funzione sociale, mi impegno ad osservare con lealtà, onore e diligenza i doveri della professione di avvocato per i fini della giustizia ed a tutela dell’assistito nelle forme e secondo i principi del nostro ordinamento»